Welcome Aerials Families!
This page provides information for our current Aerials team members for the 2024-2025 season.
Practice Schedules
Athlete ResourcesTeam Messaging and Calendar - Level reps use TeamSnap for all team-specific communications and scheduling. Contact your level rep if you need access or have questions.
AAPA Google Group - AAPA uses this group to email out important Aerials information that pertains to all Aerials families. Contact AAPA if you need to be added to the group. Social Media - The Arlington Aerials private group on Facebook is for members of the Arlington Aerials community. Look here for posts featuring events like picnics, parties, travel and competitions. When requesting access, make sure to answer the membership questions. USA Gymnastics - For general gymnastics information, news and state meet info, please visit USA Gymnastics and Virginia USA Gymnastics. |
2024-2025 Meet Schedule
Click on the images below to view the 2024-2025 meet schedules for the Development Program (left) and Xcel Program (right).
2024-2025 AAPA Volunteers
The Arlington Aerials Parents Association is a vital part of the Aerials team, aimed to enhance the program by providing additional resources, fostering communication, and building a supportive community for both the athletes and their families. Our group of parents organizes fundraising events to help cover the cost of the coach's education, travel, team events, and other team-related expenses. We also provide communication and coordination support between the gym management, coaches and parents. Additionally, our group of parents plan events including team building activities, gymnastics education seminars, and social gatherings. Most importantly the AAPA provides an avenue for parents to voice any concerns, suggestions, and feedback regarding the gymnastics program. Feel free to reach out at [email protected].
AAPA Board Members are responsible for coordinating and executing the many needs of the gym/program, while level reps handle team level coordination and communication. There are also support roles for specific tasks. Want to get involved? Contact your level rep for more information or email [email protected]. Thank you! |
Board Members
Team Store |
We are excited to offer branded merchandise via the Arlington Aerials online Spirit Wear store! We hope this store will help both our gymnasts and their supporters showcase their enthusiasm for our incredible Arlington Aerials team with pride. Whether you're a gymnast or coach looking for comfortable Aerials gear, or a parent/family member who wants to support your athlete at competition, we hope there is something for everyone. Profits for all items purchased are returned to AAPA to support our team!
Here are some highlights of what you can expect from our online store:
Here are some highlights of what you can expect from our online store:
- Cozy hoodies, leggings, and lounge apparel in a variety of colors and fabrics
- Jackets and outerwear
- Accessories including water bottles, earrings, and hats
- Customizable options for team spirit featuring Arlington Aerials graphics and logos - you pick the color and logo
- Direct shipping to your home
Monthly AAPA Meetings
Want to learn more about the Aerials? The AAPA executive board holds monthly meetings to discuss a variety of topics.
- 1st Monday of every month (September through June) at 7pm.
- All parents are welcome to attend. Contact your level rep for info to join or check the TeamSnap calendar.
- AAPA Secretary produces meeting minutes after each meeting for distribution to coaches and level reps. Level reps then share with their levels.